Monday, March 21, 2016

Back After a Too-Long Absence

Happy Spring, Fellow Wayfarers!

I have to apologize for such a long absence; I can assure you that there are good reasons behind it.  Last September I began my position as the Youth Programs Coordinator for the Children's Science Center in Herndon, Virginia.  It has proven to be a very rewarding, albeit time consuming job!

But back to business.  There are some great things on the horizon that I wanted to let you all know about:

- I will be doing a post as a guest blog writer for "Cracking the Collections", a blog for emerging museum professionals, at .  It is scheduled to go up on April 1 and I'll post again when it does.

- There is a fabulous exhibit on the Vikings at Discovery Times Square.  Sponsored in part by Viking Cruises, this is the first time for many of these artifacts to journey to North America.  I'm going to be going up to review it this summer and I'll be sure to post pictures.  Let me know if you have any questions that you want me to research at the exhibit.

- There are some new innovations going on down at Colonial Williamsburg since new director Mitchell Reiss came on board as of June 2014.  This is a very exciting time to be part of the Education / Entertainment Industry and while the direction is being lauded, some of the changes are causing some consternation.  I will be investigating some of the reactions to these changes and I'll report back to you.

- I've joined the cast of the Virginia Renaissance Faire as part of their Militia for the 2016 season. The Militia includes a weapons training area and fully-functioning kitchen and I'm very excited to get to work.
I'll keep you posted.  Keep your questions coming.

Happy Adventuring!

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